Sunday, October 28, 2012

Zombie Survival Tip #38

     Hello once again audience! Long time no see! Okay not really but once again I am here to bring you another awesome tip on zombie survival! Also, if your not a fan of zombies and just stumbled upon this blog on accident, check out my other blog (new blog) at as you can probably tell by the URL, I review games upon my opinion of the game! Okay, before I start talking about tip number 38, be sure you check out the last post about Doug Robert's zombie novel called Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening. It is an amazing book, just check it out! Okay, now onto the latest tip, which is... "Use a Quiet Vehicle!" Obviously you understand what I am talking about. It is very smart to use a vehicle that is quiet, rather than use one that is loud. Some examples of loud vehicles are; Cars (although, some cars can be quiet, just be sure it is before you drive around in it!), motorcycles, four wheelers, etc. Now, those are the vehicles you wouldn't want to ride, unless you really had to of course, say to get away from zombies faster than a bike or something. Now, here are some examples of quiet vehicles; Bicycles, walking or running (I consider it a vehicle because it does get you places!). Then again those are just a few, if you can think of anymore, leave us a comment! There are many different means of transportation, not just car or walking or etc. The other ones that might be good are; Air and water! What this means is like, for air, planes or jets or helicopter, and for water, boats or rafts or... I was going to say swimming, but as we all know from Land of the Dead Directed by zombie mastermind George Romero, zombies don't swim, but they sink. This means that they could be hiding in the bottom of the water, waiting for a helpless soul to dive in... Well, that is it for the day. For the link/picture/video of the day, it is just a ton of Gifs (a Gifs is basically a never ending, short video)! Be sure to check out last post, but also check out the next special "tip" on Halloween! See you then!
Caution: These may be gruesome!

Gif of the Day: Confident Zombie Kill

Gif of the Day (2): Baseball Bat Kill

Gif of the Day (3): Axe. Meet Head. Head. Meet Axe.

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