#30- "Train Your Stomach!"
#31- "Too Much is Never Enough!"
#32- "Try to Have Many People in Your Group! But be Sure to Keep Your Eyes on All of Them!"
#33- "Always Keep Your Guard Up... Always!"
#34- "If Really Needed. Eat Pet Food!"
#35- "Bite the Bullet!"
#36- "Light is a Bad Thing Sometimes!"
#37- I accidentally skipped a tip on number 37, so just bear with me!
#38- "Use a Quiet Vehicle!"
#39- "Keep Shifts!"
#40- "Be Trained in Common First Aid!"
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #40
Welcome back zombie slayers! Get ready for tip number 40! Also with this tip is a tip recap! Okay, this tip is, "Be Trained in Common First Aid!" This means be sure to know common first aid such as to heal cuts, broken bones, stuff like that. You will most likely have to use it now and then, but it would be a great idea for one to learn first aid, in case something does happen, such as a broken bone or a cut. See you guys on the 22nd for tip number 41 and remember to check out the tip recap! Sorry this was a short tip, but I will see you guys later fore tip number 41! See you around!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #39
Welcome back once again! Sorry I missed the due date before, I have been swamped with things recently and I have never had time to post one. But here I am, and once again I bring a tip with me! Today's tip is "Keep Shifts!" This tip means that while sleeping, people should keep shifts, such as one person sleeps for two hours, then gets up and lets the other person sleep. No one shouldn't be up keeping guard, because when you let your guard down. Zombies can get you, and if everyone is asleep, no one is guarding! See, it is a confusing cycle (not really). This is a big survival thing that will keep you alive. Zombies are everywhere. I mean, there are seven billion people on the planet, and in cities, there are thousands, so if you are in a city, and it is night, get to a safe place and sleep, but make sure you do shifts because it could just save your life! Make sure you stick around for the next tip on November 18th for tip number 40 and the tip recap!
Picture of the Day: Out of Whack Sleep Schedule
Picture of the Day: Out of Whack Sleep Schedule
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Special Zombie Survival "Tip" #4
Happy Halloween my zombie slaying friends! Today is the splendid day where we celebrate the ghost and ghouls of the past! Today for the special zombie survival tip I will be discussing... I don't know Haha! I really haven't had a chance to really think about what I would talk about! But I think all I will talk about is what I posted two posts ago. The novel Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening by D.A. Roberts is a zombie novel in which the man himself came to me and asked me to talk about it. All I can say is check out that post. To get to it, go to the bottom right of the page and click the post. If you want, go trick or treating, get some candy, and be safe! Thanks for coming, sorry I didn't have anything good today! But come back and see the next special "tip" on November 6th! That holiday isn't really a holiday, it is Election Day. Come check it out! Also check out the next regular tip on November 1st!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #38
Hello once again audience! Long time no see! Okay not really but once again I am here to bring you another awesome tip on zombie survival! Also, if your not a fan of zombies and just stumbled upon this blog on accident, check out my other blog (new blog) at http://videogamingreviewings.blogspot.com/ as you can probably tell by the URL, I review games upon my opinion of the game! Okay, before I start talking about tip number 38, be sure you check out the last post about Doug Robert's zombie novel called Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening. It is an amazing book, just check it out! Okay, now onto the latest tip, which is... "Use a Quiet Vehicle!" Obviously you understand what I am talking about. It is very smart to use a vehicle that is quiet, rather than use one that is loud. Some examples of loud vehicles are; Cars (although, some cars can be quiet, just be sure it is before you drive around in it!), motorcycles, four wheelers, etc. Now, those are the vehicles you wouldn't want to ride, unless you really had to of course, say to get away from zombies faster than a bike or something. Now, here are some examples of quiet vehicles; Bicycles, walking or running (I consider it a vehicle because it does get you places!). Then again those are just a few, if you can think of anymore, leave us a comment! There are many different means of transportation, not just car or walking or etc. The other ones that might be good are; Air and water! What this means is like, for air, planes or jets or helicopter, and for water, boats or rafts or... I was going to say swimming, but as we all know from Land of the Dead Directed by zombie mastermind George Romero, zombies don't swim, but they sink. This means that they could be hiding in the bottom of the water, waiting for a helpless soul to dive in... Well, that is it for the day. For the link/picture/video of the day, it is just a ton of Gifs (a Gifs is basically a never ending, short video)! Be sure to check out last post, but also check out the next special "tip" on Halloween! See you then!
Caution: These may be gruesome!Gif of the Day: Confident Zombie Kill
Gif of the Day (2): Baseball Bat Kill
Gif of the Day (3): Axe. Meet Head. Head. Meet Axe.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening By D.A. Roberts
Hello once again my fans! You might have realized that the title is different. Well, in truth, it is the name of a book! My friend Doug "D.A." Roberts messaged me on Facebook about his zombie novel called Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening. Roberts has a very good Amazon.com rank of over 1,000,000. This is a great novel that will have you on the edge of your seat. The infection starts east from California as the unusual riots occur over and over, but quickly spreads across the United States. Initial
reports of rioting and chaos begin to appear in the news, slowly
spreading east from California. As the unusual “riots” come closer and
closer however, the first hints of their true nature begin to emerge.
Internet videos show rioters eating those they overtake.When the disturbances finally reach Springfield Missouri, all law
enforcement officers are called to field duty. Officer Wylie Grant finds
himself manning a remote checkpoint. There the true nature of the
“rioters” becomes terrifyingly clear, and only Wylie and Corporal
Chrissy Wilder survive the revelation. Their new goal becomes to survive
the trip back to the Nathanael County Sheriff’s Office, where the few
remaining officers are attempting to regroup. Thinking
ahead, Wylie and Corporal Wilder attempt to rescue as many survivors as
they can and gather as many resources as possible along the way. Upon
their arrival, Wiley finds himself the leader of the rescue efforts, as
many officers are stranded throughout the city. During his
repeated forays into the zombie infested streets, he discovers that the
zombies are not the only enemy humanity is facing. In some cases, they
are the lesser evil. As he struggles to cope with the loss of friends
and innocents, he discovers that the Evacuation Centers that had been
their last hope are part of a government “containment protocol”. No one
is being evacuated. Wylie and his team are faced with the
realization that no one is coming for them, and the government that
they had thought to be their ally has become yet another enemy in an
increasingly hostile world. At the end of this post, I will give a link to the homepage of the novel and a link to Amazon.com where you can purchase it. This novel is a great novel to read if you like a challenge. To read a sample chapter of Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening check out the Sample Chapter in the link above. Mr. Doug Roberts also is currently working on a sequel of the novel. The sequel will be called Ragnarok Rising: The Reckoning. Also stated on the site is that there will be many installments (many more) novels! Check those out and if you have any questions of the novel, shoot me or Doug an email and we will answer it! Make sure you buy a copy at Amazon.com! I am currently trying to buy a copy, but just by the Sample Chapter I love it! And that says a lot because I am picky on what zombie movies and novels I like! Be sure to check it out and check out Zombie Survival Tip #37 and the Special Zombie Survival "Tip" on Halloween!
Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening
Amazon Page to Buy Ragnarok Rising
Ragnarok Rising in the News
Ragnarok Rising: The Awakening
Amazon Page to Buy Ragnarok Rising
Ragnarok Rising in the News
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #36
Welcome back guys! Are you prepared for Halloween as well as the next special tip? Halloween is seven days away you know! I am not certain of what the special tip will be, but I will think of it sooner or later. Well, let's just get into it I guess. Here is tip number 36! "Light is a Bad Thing Sometimes!" When you are in a zombie apocalypse, try to hide all the light possible. Especially at night. At night, if your light is visible (try to use candlelight because it will last longer than electricity, and eventually the power grid will go down, so you will have to), use sheets or curtains to hide the light. If your light is visible at night, then zombies will notice that it is the only place with light, meaning food is in there. Light is a very useful thing, but can be dangerous when not used properly. I will explain more on Halloween! I don't really know, I am just running out of time right now! So I will explain later! The next tip will be on October 28th! There will be no picture, video, or link today (Sorry)! But I will see you later!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #35
Welcome back my aficionados of zombie survivals! Are you ready for tip number 35? Well, this tip is sorta a sad one, but for the most time is true. This tip is one we as humans never one we want to do... Ever. I mean, who wants to die? Well, I can pretty much guess you know it by now. Here it is... "Bite the Bullet!" (Shoot yourself). Yep... You sad now? Well, their are many times where this can come in play. I will name a few. One is that if you are surrounded by tons of zombies and you have no chance of getting out. I agree with that because who wants to go through the agonizing pain of having their skin peeled off and ripped open. I sure don't. Another is if you are bitten. Well obviously. Say your goodbyes and do it. It is a terrible thing! No person would want to do that. But if you were in those situations, then you might... Okay, well that is all folks. Just to lighten the mood a bit, the link of the day will be zombie jokes. Warning: These jokes are dead right terrible! See what I did there! Haha! Stick in for the next zombie survival tip on October 24th! And don't forget about the special tip on October 31st! Otherwise known as Halloween! See you then!
Link of the Day: Zombie Jokes
Gif of the Day: Zombie Horde
Link of the Day: Zombie Jokes
Gif of the Day: Zombie Horde
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #34
Welcome back fans of zombie fiction! As always I have another tip for you! Before I tell you the tip, let me start off with a word of wisdom. This tip is very helpful but you may think otherwise, but let me tell you, if your life depended on it, you would probably do this tip. "If Really Needed. Eat Pet Food!" Right? I know what you're thinking "Eat dog food? I don't think so!" Well, all I can say that if you were literally starving to death and you had no human food left and all you could find is like canned food for pets. There are two choices you can make, one is that you can die from starvation. Two is that you can eat pet food. This is a last resort, I mean sure, you can eat it if you like it... Weird... But I would think of this as a last resort kind of thing where you do it if you really need to. That's all for today guys! Tell your friends about this blog and possibly save a life from the appending zombie invasion (Haha)! Tip number 35 will be posted on October 20th!
Picture of the Day: Now Doesn't That Look Delicious?!
Picture of the Day: Now Doesn't That Look Delicious?!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #33
Welcome back guys! It has been awhile! I have been asked some questions to as why I was out for like three months. The reason is because I needed a break from this stuff. Also, I sorta renovated the blog if you noticed! Well, before I get to the tip. I need to talk about a ton of stuff. Just zombie related stuff don't worry... Well, for one, I am going to start off with a random thing. If you like video games and guides and stuff, visit my Ebay because I am selling stuff like that. Basically to find me, my Ebay name is Connerguldenschuh. Okay, now onto the zombie stuff! By the way, all these zombie things will have a link at the bottom! I have to talk about the game that came out on October 2nd, and that game is... Resident Evil 6. This game was made by Capcom and is available now for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Now listen to me... I have played tons of video games, and I mean a lot. But this game is the best game I have ever played, it is chock full of action and fear, and it is just awesome! Granted Resident Evil and Dead Space are my favorite series, this game still rocks number one in the top 10 video games I have played! Another thing is that I have this game I think you guys would like. It's a fun game, but can be confusing at first. This game is called Zombie Fluxx. This game is made by Looney Labs, and this game is fun. This game is more a funny game than a scary game. This game is for two to six players, ages eight through adult and it usually takes, for one play through, would take about 10 to 40 minutes. Okay, next off is "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. This comes in two versions, a book and a card deck. I only have the card deck, but it gives a picture in the front, and a description on the back. Here is an example on the front it might say "Heavy Machine Gun and Submachine Gun." Then on the back it would give descriptions on why it is a good gun and whatnot. Check that out at the links below also. Another cool thing is that I found these novels called "Day By Day Armageddon" by J.L. Bourne. Now, as far as I know, there are only two novels, an original and a sequel. At this exact moment, I am in the middle of the sequel, I couldn't find the original. But let me tell you, I can not put this book down. It is a great book! Check that out in the links below! One other thing. I can't remember what tip number it was. But the tip was "Don't Act Like a Zombie. That Only Leaves You as an Easy Meal!" I think I might have to reconsider. Now that I think about it, if you are fully protected from the guts from getting on your skin, you should be fine. Now that I think about it, zombies can detect us humans by scent, but the scent of undead would fool them into thinking it was another zombie, so I think that the tip should now be "If You Act Like a Zombie. It Is Possible That You Could Live!" I think that is it for now... If I think of any more than I will tell you. Okay, here is the tip."Always Keep Your Guard Up... Always!" This is a very important tip that will keep you alive. This is the main tip that you should always use. This tip will safe your life. You never know what is lurking around the next corner, especially in the dark. (Which you should never go out in the dark). All I can say is have your trigger finger ready, listen up, and keep your eyes open! Tip number 34 will be posted on October 16th. See you then!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #32
Welcome back! Sorry I missed a day, my brother and I were stuck renovating a friends house for the weekend! Well, I am just going to start with the tip. Tip number 32 is... "Try to Have Many People in Your Group! But be Sure to Keep Your Eyes on All of Them!" This tip might sound confusing, but it will make sense. Trust me. Basically, in simpler terms this tip means that many people are great. They are used for scavenging, defense, offense, all that stuff. But the thing is, if you are the leader, (like me. Haha!) or even if you aren't, you need to watch all of them. Make sure they are okay, not bitten, not sick. Whatever. It makes sense right? Because if one member of the group hides being bit, and no one was keeping their eye on them, well, let's just say that they could possibly kill people in the group. But if you had your eye on them, then they would be fine, (well, that is until we find out that they were bitten and have to kill them). Of course, I would be the leader of my group, and when I send out groups everyday to loot and stuff, I would have not one, but two group "leaders" in order to be safe. Understood? Okay, get this. My deal is still up. But the thing is. The deal ends when I get to tip number 45. The picture of the day is going to be just a simple one that goes along with this tip. Tip number 33 will be posted on August 9th! See you around!
Picture of the Day: All Seeing Eye
Picture of the Day: All Seeing Eye
Monday, July 30, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #31
Hey guys and girls and... Other. Why did I say other? Haha! But seriously, listen to this, I am so deeply sorry that I haven't posted a tip, I have been really busy and I didn't have a chance to post one. I see a lost a + point, but listen, I have an idea, so I do not have to piss off anymore people. Instead of posting a tip every two days. I will be posting a tip every four days, to save me some time to do other stuff. Okay? So let's start tip #31 shall we? Tip number 31 is... "Too Much is Never Enough!" It is funny because I believe that this tip is also a song by Lisa Lois. But I am pretty sure her song has nothing to do with zombies! This tip basically means that you can never have enough things in a zombie apocalypse. You may think you have too much food/water/ammo/etc. But that is not true, you should have way more than you think is right. Basically, in simpler terms, keep finding stuff, raiding, etc. Because there are seven billion (around seven billion) people on the Earth and through my zombie expert calculations, only about thirteen thousand will survive. Meaning that there are 6,999,987,000 zombies that you have to kill. While reading those calculations, you are probably thinking, "Whoa, he is right! I do need a lot of stuff! Maybe I should trust the third or fourth smartest person in the world zombie wise!" Yeah, I added that last part! Well that is it for this tip. Join me on August 4th for the next tip! Man, that is the day I have to get my blood taken... But whatever! The picture of the day is a stockpile. Hey, remember about my deal! See you later!
Picture of the Day: You're Gonna Need More Than That...
Picture of the Day: You're Gonna Need More Than That...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip Recap
Make sure you check out tip number 30! But this is the first ever recap post! I didn't think about doing it on 10 and 20, but this recap will be for all 30, but after this, when we get to 40, it will just be by tens. Okay, well here goes! We will start with #1 - #10
#1 Shoot Them in the Head
#2 Invest in Good Shoes
#3 Work on Your Cardio
#4 Try to Avoid Urban Environments
#5 No Place is Safe, Only Safer
#5 No Place is Safe, Only Safer
#6 They Feel No Fear, Why Should You
#7 Blades Don't Need Reloading
#8 When You Climb Another Story With Stairs, Always Destroy the Stairs
#9 Feelings Do Not Play in a Zombie Apocalypse
#10 Be Sure to Plan an Escape Route
Now onto #11 - #20
#11 Be Ready to Move
#12 Zombies Aren't the Only Problem
#13 Be Sure to Always Have Someone to Talk to
#14 Keep Track of Time
#15 Be Prepared
#16 Be Sure You Know How to Hot Wire a Car
#17 Don't Trust the Government
#18 Don't Act Like a Zombie. That Only Leaves You as an Easy Meal
#19 Steal Gasoline From Cars or From Gas Stations
#20 Humor is a Necessity
Lastly, #21 - #30
#21 Search for Help
#22 Melee Weapons are Very Useful
#23 Electricity is Key
#24 Use Your Environment
#25 Weapons are Your Best Friends
#26 Do Not Keep Your Hair Long
#27 Do Not Wear Baggy Clothes
#28 Do Not Have any Loose Objects
#29 Pay Attention
#30 Train Your Stomach
Damn! That was a mouthful! Okay, make sure you check out tip number 30 and make sure you come back on July 22nd! For the picture is just a funny photo! See you later!Picture of the Day: Soon...
Zombie Survival Tip #30
Hello again audience! Today is that day! Which day you ask? The day for my 30th tip! Can you believe how long it took to get to this tip?! It feels like forever and a half ago since I first started this blog in May! Okay, well I am going to get right into this! Tip number 30 is... "Train Your Stomach!" This tip is probably the second most important tip (pay attention being the first). Now, when I explain this tip. I explain it in two ways. There are two ways you have to train your stomach for. One being guts, brains, blood, death, anything that is gross for you (of course, I don't get grossed out). Two being lack of food. You will have to be able to go without eating for a day at least. It is good to train yourself for this stuff. Trust me. I have discussed this with other zombie people (I am the third smartest person in the world [zombie wise] and trust me, that is not a joke) but by other zombie people I mean the fifth and sixth and seventh smartest people (the only reason I am not saying names is for privacy). Okay, well, make sure you check out the recap post after this one! But otherwise, the next tip will be posted on July 22nd. The picture today is of a gross thing! Let me just say. That is pretty bad! Haha! Well, until next time my friends!
Picture of the Day: That Makes Me Hungry!
Picture of the Day: That Makes Me Hungry!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #29
Hello audience! Welcome back to my blog! Sorry about the break, I have been extra busy this summer. Okay, before I start. I need more views you guys! Okay, I have a proposition for you, as viewers. When I hit 10,000 views on this blog, and 16 Google + points. As soon as I have both of those, I will give you guys an excellent "treat". But that is only when I get 10,000 views as well as 16 + points. Honestly, I will think about what the "treat" will be. Okay well, now let's get to the reason you are actually here! Tip number 29! Okay, well here goes! Tip number 29 is... "Pay Attention!" This tip is the tip that will keep you alive for a very long time. You always have to pay attention to all of your surroundings, because as soon as you have your guard down, you are dead. Basically, all I can say is use your five senses, smell zombies and musty dead bodies. Sight, see zombies, details in the environment. Hear, this is a big one, listen to everything it is a very big deal. Hearing is one of the biggest senses to be used other than that of sight. Use touch to indicate items, be careful and make sure it is an item not an enemy. You don't have to use taste that much so... But this is probably the most important tip that you can ever read. Okay, tip number 30 will be coming in two days (July 18th). Oh yeah. I almost forgot. On every tenth post (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.) I will make a "Recap" post to recap on all the posts before it. (So if it was the 30th post, two days from now, then I would post tip number 21 through 30 in a recap post.) So on July 18th, there will be two posts. One for tip number 30, and one for the recap. Okay, now to tell you what the picture of the day will be. The picture will be of a workplace "pay attention" sign. Before I sign off, listen, remember my proposition, and get me views! See you guys later!
Picture of the Day: Pay Attention or Pay the Price
Friday, July 6, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #28
Welcome back you guys! Remember when I said that the three tips would all basically have the same meaning? Well, this is the last tip of the three that have something in common (the three tips are #26, #27, and #28). Well, if you haven't already guessed, than I will wait till the end to tell you what they have in common. Okay, tip number 28 is... "Do Not Carry Any Loose Items!" Do you get it now? Why they all tie in? If not, then I will continue. This tip means that you should never have any loose items, like necklaces, handkerchiefs, loose fabric, bracelets, or anything that could pull you down if you were grabbed. Okay, now to reveal why they all go together... Are you ready? Okay, well the reason they all go together is because they all have to do with loose objects (hair, clothing, items) that should be avoided if you were to live in a zombie infested world! I hope you remember that! That is a major major tip that should be remembered! Okay, tip number 29 will be posted on July 16th! And also, the photo of the day is of an athlete being pulled down by his loose clothing! See you guys on the 16th!
Picture of the Day: Pulled Down
Picture of the Day: Pulled Down
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Special Zombie Survival "Tip" #3
Welcome back you guys and happy Independence Day! And since it is Independence Day (also known as the 4th of July) I will be posting this, the third installment of my favorite tips... The "tips!" Haha. Well, this "tip" will most likely be a short one, because I don't have much to say. Actually, I just thought of something, I'm going to throw away all the other lame jokes and pictures (now it is going to be longer). I'm going to introduce you guys to a new game that is coming out (even though it has nothing to do with America, because it takes place in London). Now, this "M" rated game is for the new upcoming console, the WiiU. This game is developed by Ubisoft and this game seems like it will be a really good game. The games name is ZombieU. Here is basically how you play. The game is displayed on both the TV and controller screen (the WiiU is a handheld gameplay console along with the Wii), with the
latter displaying a "Bug-Out Bag" (a bag that is already formed if needed to "bug-out") containing a character's survival kit
and inventory. Motion-sensor devices along with sniper sight can be
displayed on the controller screen. In this game, permanent death
is in effect; if the character dies at any time, the player must start
over as a new survivor (I thought that was one of the coolest things, being able to play a different view and obtain old items from the other character you played). Unlike most games, one bite from a zombie will
kill instantly (This is also one of the things I like about this game, it's realistic). The new character is able to attempt to pick up the
Bug-Out Bag which is now in the possession of the player's former
character who is now a zombie. Multiplayer is possible, as online
friends can be alerted of a player's death to obtain the player's gear. Basically, that is the game, now I don't know if there is going to be like plots or missions, but so far, this is probably going to be a really really good game. Okay, well that is it for this special "tip!" Stick around because the next special "tip" will be coming to you on Labor Day, which is on the date September 3rd. Also, the next regular tip will be posted on July 6th! The link of the day is to the official site of the game ZombiU. Stick around!
Link of the Day: ZombiU
Link of the Day: ZombiU
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #27
Okay. I am a tiny bit late again! It is exactly 3:20 AM here in New York. Technically today is the third of July, and tip number 27 was supposed to be on the second. But again. Let's keep that a secret! Okay, I know you what you are thinking, "What are you doing everyday that keeps you so busy?" Well, I will tell you. A lot of things have been going on... Let's just say that... Okay, remember last tip when I said "The next three tips (including this one) will all eventually tie in together." Remember? Well, you probably haven't figured it out due to the only clue/tip I have given you. Well, you will know soon enough. Wow, I am already at tip number 27! Just wait till 30! Oh yeah! Tomorrow (should be today, the second, but time is tricky so it would be today) is the Fourth of July! Which means special zombie survival "tip" number 3 will be coming out! Which is also the day I have to get my blood taken... Great! (That was said with a touch of sarcasm)! Which now that I think of it, I don't think I can get my blood taken because it is a holiday. But whatever, just one thing though... Drink lots of clear fluids! Okay, after my rambling, here is the 27th tip! "Do Not Wear Baggy Clothing!" Okay, as you can tell, this tip does sorta tie in with tip number 26. Why? Because, zombies can grab things! If you were to wear baggy clothing, it would just be more material for zombies to grab! Here are rights and wrongs for both sexes (such as last time)! Men, this is wrong! Do not pretend to be M.C. Hammer and buy yourself a pair of parachute pants because it will just make you an easy target! (Wrong: M.C. Hammer's Parachute Pants). Here is the right way! (Basically the right way is to tuck in everything)! (Right: Dress Shirt) Now, I have to admit that a dress shirt would not be a great idea, but it was all I could find in the vault! Okay, now onto women. Here is the wrong way, do not have a scarf, worst clothing idea ever, and that coat doesn't help either! (Wrong: Coat and Scarf) Okay, here is the right way for a woman to dress in! (Right: Sleeveless Tee-Shirt) That is one of the best clothes combinations you could possibly have! That is tip number 27 and tip number 28 will be posted on July 6th and the third special "tip" will be posted on the Fourth of July! Enjoy! Remember to email, like, +, and follow! The picture of the day is of a group of zombies! See you guys around!
Picture of the Day: Group of Zombies
Picture of the Day: Group of Zombies
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #26
Phew! It is such a relief to be back! Remember how I said on tip number 25 that I was going to post this tip on the 24th of June? Well, it didn't happen. I have been so busy recently that I couldn't have written a tip. I mean, I could have posted like four tips in that time span! But I couldn't due to recent schedule changes. Okay, I have to get something off my chest... This tip was supposed to be posted on the 30th right? But it is actually 3:16 AM here in New York. So basically it is the 1st of July... But let's just say that this tip was posted on the 30th (Wink wink)! Now, the next three tips (including this one) are going to be part of a, well, let's just say series I guess. Basically they all revolve around the same thing. Well, I don't want to spoil it... Okay, tip number 26 is... "Do Not Keep Hair Lengthy!" Now, this tip means that you should keep your hair as short as possible! Super short! Buzz it or go bald or something! Okay, well... Basically, zombies can grab things, we all know that. But if you have something long that they can grab onto to pull you down so they can eat you. They will. I will give you the ideal haircut for both genders. I will start with women. Wrong way: This beautiful lady is showing you the wrong way to cut you hair (Wrong Hairdo: Women). Do not have long hair, because if one zombie reaches out and gets your hair, kiss your life goodbye (that is, unless you are lucky and agile)! Right way: This women is showing you the right way to cut your hair, or even shorter! (Right Hairdo: Women) Okay, now onto the men category. This man (Shane from AMC's The Walking Dead) Demonstrates how short your hair should be. Now, this could also be for women. It is a unisex kind of thing. (Right Hairdo: Men). Now onto the wrong way. This man shows you the wrong hair length that you should have. (Wrong Hairdo: Men) You see the difference? The picture of the day is just a random funny picture sent in to me by an anonymous user! Okay. Tip number 27 will be posted on July 2nd! I will try my hardest to make room in my schedule to post tip regularly. I don't want to keep my fans waiting! Also, the long awaited special "tip" number three will be coming out on Independence Day (4th of July)! See you guys soon!
Picture of the Day: Circle of Life
Friday, June 22, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #25
What up guys! Sorry it is so late that I post this tip! It is 11:57 PM here in New York! I was planning on doing it at 8:00 PM but I didn't get to it because I just got this thing for the computer, called Steam. It is like a gaming engine for the computer. If you like games (who doesn't?) then I recommend you get Steam. If you are interested, email me (at Gnarsomesminecraft@gmail.com) or look it up. It is awesome, I downloaded a free game called Team Fortress 2, it is cool! Okay, enough of that! Onto tip number 25... Actually, before I get to the tip. I just want to say something. Listen closely. Thank you all of my fans for supporting me. I would also like to thank those who followed me and gave me +1 points! Thanks guys! Another thing, tell your friends! Get a Google account or something! I need more points/hits! Oh, by the way, I heard some really mean things about my blog and towards me. So I just want to say that I work really Really hard on this blog. This blog is a survival/comedic blog. Enjoy it! Obtain knowledge! Don't hate a good thing! Wow. I can't believe I am already at tip number 25! It has only been like three months! But trust me, I will never run out of tips. I am one of the smartest people alive (zombie wise). Okay, now onto tip number 25! Tip number 25 is... "Weapons Are Your Best Friends!" This is true. You wouldn't last three minutes in a zombie apocalypse without a weapon. Now, this tip could give people mixed feelings, so let me explain. Okay, yes, weapons are your best friends, but that does not mean to neglect your other friends. Now you understand? It is a metaphor. Okay! Today's picture is of guns. That's it. I just picked a random picture from my zombie vault. I got this picture! Okay! Tip number 26 will be posted on June 24th! Stick around!
Picture of the Day: Your Best Friends
Picture of the Day: Your Best Friends
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #24
Welcome back! Today's tip is one of the ones I have been waiting to do for a long time! This is by far one of the best tips, why you ask? Because it is one of the most easiest ones to explain! Okay, I am just going to get into it! Today's tip is... "Use Your Environment!" This means to use items around you to attack zombies. If you need to, then use things around you, here are some examples of things you could use that you could find anywhere. A fire extinguisher, axe, chair, computer, etc. Use anything to your advantage! This tip makes a lot of sense for two reasons. One, you can use your environment to conserve ammo. Two, you can use your environment to replace a gun. Now, this is like my rule with melee weapons, try not to get close. If you can, try to stay as far away as possible. If you have a fire extinguisher, hit them till they are down, then finish them off! Now, I will give you an example on how this tip is used. The video game series Dead Rising depicts the player using their environment. Basically, the whole game is revolving around the player killing zombies with anything that you see, you can use axes, chairs, magazine dispensers, anything! Now. I don't know if you are thinking the same thing I am thinking. How in the world can you pick up really heavy things like in Dead Rising (the player can pick up very heavy things.)? Well, in the real world, you can't. You can't lift a lot of things in real life that you can pick up in the game. Trust me. I have tried! I can lift heavy things, but I can't lift a magazine dispenser! I will reference back to this game in a later tip. Very later. Okay! That is it for tip #24! Tip #25 will be posted on June 22! The picture of the day is of the Dead Rising video game cover!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #23
Today is the day for tip number 23! This one is going to be a short one though... Okay, I am going to start right off. Tip number 23 is... "Electricity is Key!" This means that you should have electricity, but use it wisely, do not let zombies see the electricity because they will gather and attack, especially at night! If they see it then they will follow it! Be wise on how you use your electricity! You can use your electricity in many ways, lights, machines, cooling devices, heating devices, etc. One way to harness electricity is through lightning. Think about that! Okay, my next tip will be posted on the 20th! Stick around! The picture of the day is of colored lightning. How does that happen you ask? A gas exchange occurs in the atmosphere causes the color, and the lightning is natural!
Picture of the Day: Colored Lightning
Picture of the Day: Colored Lightning
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Special Zombie Survival "Tip" #2
Special "tip" number two! Finally! I have been waiting forever for this! As you probably know already, I do special "tips" on certain holidays, again the reason tips is in quotes is because they aren't really tips, they are more like random cool stuff. Can you guess what today is? You guessed it! Father's day! Wish your father a happy Father's day and get him something special! Like a CDC Zombie Task Force T-shirt, or you know, get me one! I'm just kidding, or am I? Okay, today's special cool thing is about this one guy, his name is George Romero, you may know him also as the Godfather of all Zombies. Romero is a legend that will live out through history, this man created the best zombie movies ever. I am a major major fan of his, I have watched all of his movies at least 100 times, maybe even more than that. This man is a god! He makes everything feel scary and realistic at the same time. Some of his classics include: Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, Etc.: If you want to learn more about this man, go to IMDB or email me for more info, look this man up if you like zombies. He is awesome! But the coolest thing is, we both are very very knowledgeable in the arts of zombies, I mean we are the smartest people about zombies on the Earth, and that is no joke, honestly, we both are the smartest people on Earth, zombie wise that is... Okay, the link of the day is the site for the T-shirt, and also a link to George Romero's filmography list! Special zombie survival "tip" three will be coming out on Independence day, also known as the 4th of July! Tip number 23 will be posted tomorrow! Stick around!
Link of the Day: CDC Zombie Task Force T-Shirt
Link of the Day 2: George Romero's Filmography List
Link of the Day: CDC Zombie Task Force T-Shirt
Link of the Day 2: George Romero's Filmography List
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #22
Welcome back! Sorry that it took awhile for me to post this tip, I just had to do some stuff at home (you know, zombi-fying my home! Just kidding!). So... Today's tip was supposed to be don't mess with the government, but I was thinking, that is basically the same as that other tip (can't remember which number tip it was) don't trust the government, so I decided not to do it. Today's tip will be "Melee Weapons Are Very Useful!" This tip obviously makes a lot of sense, melee weapons (such as a baseball bat, machete, pipe, sword, crowbar, etc.) are very useful for one major reason. To conserve ammo. Of course, don't use a baseball bat if you are facing like 20 zombies, that is a bad idea, kill some off with a handgun or something light, then when there is about 10 then use the bat. But remember, melee weapons don't need reloading and they don't run out of ammo, but they will wear down and break eventually. Remember guys, I need more hits, and +1's, and more followers! I thank LuckyDucky for giving me a + and for following. Stick around guys for tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow is Father's day and also the day I post my second special tip! Tip number 23 will be posted on June 18th! The link of the day is a top 10 list of melee weapons for a zombie apocalypse! Enjoy! See you on Father's day!
Link of the Day: Top 10 Zombie Melee Weapons
Link of the Day: Top 10 Zombie Melee Weapons
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #21
Look at that! Another Google +1 point! Thanks you guys! We need more! + this page and follow it and go to my blog's Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ZombieApocalypseTips) and like it. It is sad, I am at tip #21 and I don't have at least 7,000 hits! My other blog, in a week got 100,000 hits! Step it up guys! Okay, recent news shows that the victim of that face-eating guy (Ronald Poppo) is still alive! Meaning no zombies! It says he is okay and slowly recovering. I don't think they mentioned that he is currently fighting off an infection and he is suffering some sort of brain problem, oh no, maybe I was wrong! I'm kidding, zombies aren't real, trust me! Finally to tip number 21! Tip number 21 is... "Search for Help!" Yes, I know that I said before (or at least I think I did) that you shouldn't look for help because there is a fair chance that they are psychos or there won't be people. Well, I am going back on my word, search for help or for a group or anything for as long as you can. Use common sense though, don't go out at like 2 AM to find people, go out in the morning when there is a lot of light because you can see zombies then. Search for help because if you search long enough, then you will probably find a group of non-psychos sooner or later. Of course, if the zombie apocalypse did happen (which it probably won't in my lifetime) then come to me because we will all live! I am a zombie mastermind, believe it or not, I'm one of the smartest people (zombie wise) alive! That is awesome! I've had one of the most smart people (zombie wise) actually tell me that I was smarter than him! Okay, the link of the day is the news page of the recovering victim of the face-eating guy. The next tip will be posted on June 16th! Also my second special tip is coming out on the 17th! A.K.A. Father's day! Stick around!
Link of the Day: Face-Eating Maniac's Victim Is Recovering
Link of the Day: Face-Eating Maniac's Victim Is Recovering
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #20
Yes! Why am I happy you ask? Because, I can trust you with my expectations! 5000 hits and one Google +1 point and one more follower, you guys are awesome! Now let us get more hits! A lot more! It feels like forever since tip one and now we are on tip 20, it has been like 40 days! Let's do the time warp again! You see what I did there?! The song, Let's Do the Time Warp Again from the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show! Never mind... Oh yeah, if you have good observation skills, then you probably realized that I changed my profile picture! Yes, I did, I got bored of the other one, so I changed it to a picture of my favorite game series, Dead Space. The picture is the logo for Dead Space 3, it comes out someday in February, 2013. Now, if the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012, then I will get a chance to play it. It looks awesome. Okay, now onto the so long awaited tip number 20! Tip number 20 is... "Humor Is A Necessity!" Trust me, you probably think I'm an idiot, but this relates to tip number 13, be sure you always have someone to talk to. Yeah sure, you do need to be serious a lot in a zombie apocalypse, like when zombies are seen, or ammo is scarce, or someone dies, but when you are partying after finding some booze, then humor is a necessity. Don't be serious all the time (like I am in real life). Just don't, too much stress and seriousness can lead to mental injuries and actual physical injuries. Remember, laughter is the best medicine! Well you know, other than anti-bionics, pain medicine, prescribed medicine, and some sort of cure (which there will be no cure, and it is very unlikely someone will have it or make). Okay, see tip number 21 on June 14th! Also, on June 17th, which is also Father's day, I will post my second annual special tip! Honestly, I don't know what it will be yet! The picture of the day is a zombie picture with funny captions. My zombie vault is so full! I need to delete some stuff!
Picture of the Day: Zombies Look For Brains
Picture of the Day: Zombies Look For Brains
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #19
I see that I won't lose faith in you guys! You oversaw my expectations! 5000 hits already before my 20th post! You guys are good! Well, time for tip number 19! Tip number 19 is... "Steal Gasoline From Cars Or From Gas Stations!" Gasoline is a necessity in a zombie apocalypse, you need a lot (depending on how much you would use it). In a zombie apocalypse, you need to know how to drain fuel from a car (the link of the day is on how to drain fuel from a car). Also, if a gas station is still functioning (most likely not so that is why you should stock up before it happens) then you can get some there. Now, some gas stations will still function, it would just be a pain to get. Gasoline can be used for many things, such as vehicles and fire starters. Tip number 20 (the long awaited 20th tip) will be posted on June 12th! Stick around!
Link of the Day: How To Drain Gasoline From A Car
Link of the Day: How To Drain Gasoline From A Car
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #18
I am sorry! This is the first time (I think) that I have been late posting a tip. You see, this tip was supposed to be posted on June 8th, when today is June 9th. Okay, well, let me talk about today's tip. Tip number 18 is... "Don't Act Like A Zombie, It Just Leaves You As An Easy Meal!" There have been many many movies where people have done this, and succeed, but that is a load of crap for many reasons, one, if you cover yourself in zombie guts and you have a cut or a wound or some other opening, you would get infected. Secondly, zombies are stupid but not that stupid, they would be able to tell if you were one of them or not. Thirdly, they can tell if you are human, you have a scent still, and certain movements that are human like. They have done this in many movies/shows. Such as, AMC's The Walking Dead, House of the Dead 2, and many more. Like I have said many many times, listen to me and use your zombie survival common sense. Tip number 19 will be coming to you on June 10th (tomorrow). Remember, I want 5000 hits when I get to tip 20! The picture of the day is from AMC's The Walking Dead show where two characters are acting like zombies (which worked in the show, but we all know it is a load of crap)!
Picture of the Day: Acting Like A ZombieWednesday, June 6, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #17
Welcome back! I got nothing important to say other than that I haven't got any reply from the people I want to interview. Okay, onto tip number 17! Tip number 17 is "Don't Trust the Government!" This tip actually applies to now, not just to the zombie apocalypse. Do you want an example? Okay! Area 51, no one really knows what is there, only the government. Okay, well you are probably thinking "How does this apply to a zombie apocalypse?!" Well I will tell you! Don't trust the government because they, first of all, probably will lure you in and they think everything will be fine until they don't realize that they aren't going to be fine, and also they could go crazy and stuff, and they could try to rape you too! All three of those examples are from a movie (not just this movie) called 28 Days Later. They went to a military outpost and those things happened, the worst part is they tried to rape some people! That is awful! Just don't trust the government unless you are sure that you can either, one, save them if you need to, or two, that they can protect you. Because if they can't do that, then you can kiss your life good-bye! Tip number 18 will be posted on June 8th! When I get to tip 20, I really hope that I will have at least another Google +1 point and at least 5000 hits, if not, I will be really disappointed... Okay, the picture of the day is a funny picture.
Picture of the Day: Trust Me! I'm From the Government!
Picture of the Day: Trust Me! I'm From the Government!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #16
Hey I'm back! Just to tell you again zombies are not real, trust me. Not to get your hopes up, but I emailed a few people, zombie writer/director people to visit the blog and stuff, and maybe get an interview! But I honestly don't know what is going to happen yet. Not to get your hopes up. Okay, to get your mind off the (possible) guest appearances, here is tip number 16! "Be Sure You Know How to Hot Wire Cars!" Okay, just to tell you, yes, hot wiring cars is ILLEGAL, but that does not apply in a zombie apocalypse. Now listen, this does not mean to go hot wire cars, this is only for a zombie apocalypse, not real life. Because, you know, if you do hot wire a car, you will get arrested, well actually, it depends on whose car you hot wire, you won't get in trouble (actually you might but I'm not sure) if you hot wire your own car, but you have to have a reason and everything. Okay, now to explain, you might need to hot wire a car in a zombie apocalypse for many reasons, too tired to walk, it is the only vehicle, quick getaway, no key, etc. Even if you won't have to (and you know if) it is always good to know anyway. My next tip will be posted on June 6th! The link of the day is a how to page on how to hot wire your car. Remember, hot wire with safety!
Link of the Day: How to Hot Wire Your Car
Link of the Day: How to Hot Wire Your Car
Friday, June 1, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #15
Sorry I haven't posted my tip yet, I was just packing my zombie survival kit, and I advise you to pack too! Why? Because latest news show many many eyewitness accounts of "cannibalistic" attacks. Cannibalistic meaning that people have been eating people, brains, hearts, faces. Do you think I'm crazy? Look at these "Zombie" Attack, then this! "Zombie" Attack 2, and this! "Zombie" Attack 3, or this! "Zombie" Attack 4, holy shit, now you believe me?! This may be the goddamn apocalypse coming! Seriously though, zombies aren't real (or are they?), and these may be some crazy things, but damn it, I am getting ready, I got my guns in my safe when they gang up and shit. Is this real though? That's the question. Okay, getting ready for this upcoming (possible) zombie attack leads me to tip number 15. "Be Prepared!" Honestly, this is the most important tip. Be prepared like I am, have guns, weapons, food, water. Seriously, I doubt the stuff above is actually real zombies, but anything is possible, holy shit, this is cool, but bad, there are no restart buttons, if you die, you die, no restarts. What am I thinking, it is not real (I think). Be prepared guys, if this is a zombie apocalypse (which I can 99.9% guarantee it's not, but if it is) be prepared, get anything you need. I am! It is always good to be safe! The links of the day are two links that contain a list of stuff for a zombie survival kit! Trust me, I will still be posting tips though!
Zombie Survival Kit List
Zombie Survival Kit List 2
Zombie Survival Kit List
Zombie Survival Kit List 2
Now. I just checked, the CDC (Center of Disease Control) claims that zombies do not exist, and that these were just freak cannibal acts (that happened in the same week basically!). I agree with them, this drug called "Bath Salts" is what made that naked guy eat that other guys face off, so there is no need to get worried, don't worry, and if you don't believe me about the CDC, here. And By the way, email me or call me or Facebook me for any questions, comments, or concerns you may have, and also, if the zombie apocalypse does happen, find me, we will survive!
CDC: There Are No Zombies Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #14
Come on guys! Let's rack up those hits! Tell your friends about this blog! I need the Google +1's, the comments, and most especially the hits! Tell your friends! Okay, now onto the tip. You ready? Okay! Well, so you know I have a zombie "vault," (that is what I like to call it), and I keep all my zombie pictures and videos in there, and I keep my tips written down. Just to let you know! Also, I figured out that I am one of the smartest people (zombie wise) in the world! One of the most smartest person about zombies does not know more than me! That's insane! It's just cool... Okay, now onto the tip. Tip number 14 is, "Keep Track of Time!" Now, I know that that sounds like a stupid thing to do. But keeping track of time is useful. The best thing it helps with is to tell you what time it is and how long you have till dark. Get a watch (preferably solar powered) or something. It will really help to know what time it is, trust me. If you have ever gotten lost in the woods without a time tracking device, you are done for, you wouldn't know when it would get dark. You also have to take time to build like a tent or something (in the wilderness, if you were to build a tent in a zombie apocalypse, you would be dead, that is unless the tent is surrounded with spikes and grenade launchers and shit, but I don't think you should do that)! Hopefully you now understand the safety (and security) of keeping track of time! The picture is of a solar powered watch (those are going to be very helpful)!
Picture of the Day: Solar Powered Watch
Picture of the Day: Solar Powered Watch
Monday, May 28, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #13
Remember my last tip? Zombies aren't the only problems, do you remember? Well, I said about halfway through that post that people are a danger too because they want to be in power and go crazy from lack of communication, and remember when I said that the lack of communication led me to my next tip? Well, here it is. Tip number 13 is "Be Sure to Always Have Someone to Talk to!" What I mean by this is, like I said before, you can go crazy from lack of communication, no joke, you may think that I'm kidding, but I'm not. If you still don't believe me, think for a minute, being alone in a zombie apocalypse were everything is shot to shit, and you constantly kill people (zombies, they aren't people anymore), you can't talk to anyone, because they aren't there! So for years, you don't talk to anyone, you keep all your thoughts inside, not letting them out, causing them to later implode! It's bad! I would go crazy if no one was by my side (obviously people would be with me, because I can keep them all alive)! Always have someone to talk to! Actually, now that I think about it. You can do what I call the "Castaway!" The Castaway is when you get an object and talk to it, such as in the movie Castaway, where the main character, Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks), is trapped on an island, but what he does is he finds a volleyball and names it Wilson! That is a very creative way to talk I guess! The picture of the day is of that volleyball, Wilson! P.S. The reason he calls the volleyball Wilson, is because that is the company that made it, the sporting goods company!
Picture of the Day: Wilson the Volleyball
Picture of the Day: Wilson the Volleyball
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #12
I don't know if you have seen, but I posted a special "tip" on my birthday, May 25th, which was yesterday, check it out! Basically, special "tips" aren't going to be tips, but they are going to be cool stuff. Okay, I know you are all waiting for what awesome tip I am going to be posting as number 12.... Well wait no more because tip number 12 is... "Zombies Aren't the Only Problems!' The meaning of this quote is that in a zombie apocalypse, zombies aren't going to be the only problems, sure they might be a big problem, or even the main problem at one point, but there are other dangers. I can give you a couple examples of things that can threaten your lives. one, hunger, that's a big one, two, dehydration, also a big one, three, wild animals, such as boars, bears, even dogs believe it or not. Fourth, other people, believe it or not, some people will go crazy, trust me, and people want to be in power and probably went crazy from lack of communication with others (that leads me to my next tip), other people can be a danger! Fifth and lastly (can't think of anything else at this point), disease, this is a huge one. In a zombie apocalypse you wouldn't think to wash your hands right? But if you don't, and you have cuts, or wounds, or you just haven't washed your hands in forever, then you can be sick, and most likely die. That's why it is always good to have at least 2 first aid kits on you at all times, just in case. But honestly, try to be the most cleanly, don't touch dead zombies with your bare hands also, but be clean or you could suffer the consequences. This is no joke too, you can actually contract a disease from lack of cleanliness! Such disease you can get are: dysentery, salmonella (contracted from bad food), hepatitis, typhoid fever, cholera, and even polio (and if you get polio while in a zombie apocalypse you're screwed)! It's actually sorta scary! The picture of the day is a dog that looks scary. The eyes are fake of course, but the facial expression is real, would you wanna meet that?
Picture of the Day: Would You Wanna Meet That?
Picture of the Day: Would You Wanna Meet That?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Special Zombie Survival "Tip" #1
If you have read the title of this post, then you are probably wondering, "What? A special tip? What?!" Well, as you know (most likely). It is my birthday today, yes the zombie mastermind is growing up! I have been thinking, what if I make special posts on special days (such as Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Etc.) I am going to make a special post on holidays (holidays in America)! I was born on May 25th, 1998, yes, I was born on Memorial Day 1998! So basically, this tip is going to mash with Memorial Day. Because they are close together (that damned Memorial Day moves around a lot), I will make them one special tip. To be honest, these aren't really going to be "tips," they will be more like cool stuff, so sorry for misjudging you. But this cool thing of the special day is going to be about this event in the UK, that gets you immersed in a real life zombie apocalypse! Yes, you read that right, a real life zombie apocalypse! The reason I am talking about this on my birthday is because I am turning 14 (yes, I am a zombie mastermind, even though I am 14)! I am talking about it because in two years (you have to be 16), I will be able to do this, which it is awesome! Basically, it fully immerses you into a zombie apocalypse, such as a mall in Dawn of the Dead or a mansion such as the one in Resident Evil. It is a very cool thing and the link of the day is the two web pages explaining it, if you are a zombie fan, read it, it is very cool! The next special "tip" will be coming to you on Father's Day on June 17th, 2012! Read this, you will flip, it is so awesome!
Link of the Day #1: The Real Life Zombie ApocalypseLink of the Day #2: Zed Events, The Real Life Zombie Apocalypse
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #11
I have one request, well three actually... First, check out my Zombie Apocalypse Tips Facebook page! Second, email me. Thirdly and lastly, comment! I need the support you guys! Okay, I've been thinking, I have been talking to my art teacher, and he gave me an idea, remember tip number seven? Blades don't need reloading remember? Well, he gave me an idea, (I call this tip 8.1) he said "You said blades don't need reloading, but what about bow and arrows? Because technically you can use it over and over again, by retrieving the arrow from the zombie you kill, and it is better for far away attacks, rather than close up attacks by a blade or blunt weapon!" He is completely right. Bow and arrows are good for two reasons, one, you can kill from far away, unlike a knife, and two, you can just keep using the same arrow! (That is until the arrow breaks). That was tip 8.1, but now, onto the long awaited tip number 11 (by the way, because it is above 10 I am using digits now rather than writing it out)! Tip number 11 is... "Be Ready to Move!" Honestly, this tip somewhat goes back to tip number 10, plan an escape route, if zombies are invading your shelter, or your fort of mass destruction, or whatever you are using, then be ready to take what you need. Basically, pack the necessities and head off. If its a small horde, sure fight them off, but if it is like a horde of 70 zombies, pack your bags man, you gotta leave! What I would say to pack is food, water (a lot of it, all you can get), weapons, ammo (again, get a lot), and clothes and your shoes, and anything else that is important. This tip is appointed to small groups, big groups, and just a single person! That's it for tip number 11! I got a quick comment. If the zombie apocalypse ever does happen (which I can guarantee that it will NEVER happen, but we will say if it does), then seek me out, find me, because we will survive! I might lose a few people because people are stupid, but the smart ones that stick with me will survive! Tip number 12 will be coming your way on May 26th! P.S. My birthday is tomorrow! Just saying! The picture of the day is just a funny picture I came across in my picture/video vault!
Picture of the Day: Preparedness
Picture of the Day: Preparedness
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #10
Wow! It seems like forever and a half since tip number one! I can't believe it felt so long! Today is tip number ten which is a great one, and a wise tip too! Tip number 10 is "Be Sure to Plan An Escape Route!" If you were to make a fortress of zombi-tude, then be sure to have an easy escape route. The reason why is because if the zombies were to break in at the front of the fortress, then find an easy way out so you don't get killed. I have an example, if you have ever seen the movie Zombieland, the main character, Columbus (the characters named themselves by where they were from). He has little tips and stuff, and when they go into the store in the beginning, he takes an object and places it in the door, which would make escape easier. All I can say is don't make it obvious so that the zombies can get in, use your zombie common sense. For the video of the day, it is a video of all the rules in the dark comedy, Zombieland.
Video of the Day: Zombieland Rules
Video of the Day: Zombieland Rules
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #9
Sorry for such the long wait (well, only six days). But I had a trip to Washington D.C. So I couldn't post anything then. Okay, now onto the long awaited tip number nine! "Feelings Do Not Play in a Zombie Apocalypse!" Now, take a minute to comprehend that... Ready? Okay, well what I mean by feelings do not play is that if you have someone in your group who is bitten, say your good-byes and then shoot them in the head, they will turn into a zombie if you don't. Now I know this may seem heartless and cruel, but think about it. When your family member or friend who you love more than anything is bitten by a zombie, and they turn. They are not your family or friend anymore! In every single zombie movie I have ever seen (I've seen EVERY zombie movie) if a member of the clan is bitten, they don't do anything, they assume that there is a cure (if there is a cure, the government probably has it and you will not get it, trust me) and you are watching and thinking "Idiots, they are gonna be a zombie soon, and someone else is gonna die!" And you are always right, just shoot them in the head before someone else dies. This makes sense right? I know you care for your people, but if you really cared, be a man and kill the person before someone else dies because you believe that they still love you, when they are dead. All I can say is use your zombie survival common sense, I mean really, don't be like those idiots in those zombie movies, listen to me, these tips are 100% true and accurate. For the picture, it is an urban city with zombies, just a simple picture.
Picture of the Day: Urban Zombies
Picture of the Day: Urban Zombies
Monday, May 14, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #8
Tip number eight is... "When You Climb to Another Story With Stairs, Always Destroy the Stairs!" This tip means that if you go up stairs in a building, try to destroy the stairs. Methods of destroying stairs are to use a carpenters hammer, an axe, or any other big sharp thing. Do not use fire! Fire only spreads and sets other things on fire. Common sense. Next tip will be posted on May 20th, I will be gone for a couple days. So May 20th, mark your calenders! Remember that one tip? I believe it was tip number four. Remember when I said to avoid urban environments, and my example? Raccoon City from the video game, (and movie) series Resident Evil! Well, the picture of the day is a map of Raccoon City, where the T-Virus was spread, turning people into zombies.
Picture of the Day: Raccoon City
Picture of the Day: Raccoon City
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #7
I'm excited! Are you? I finally made it to my seventh post without crashing and burning! I am a little upset with my hits though... My last blog had 447 thousand hits, I want that much on this blog! Okay, enough of my problems, here is tip number seven! Tip number seven is "Blades Don't Need Reloading!" Now, what I mean about this is that guns do need reloading and you might run out of ammo, so pack a machete in your zombie kit, or some other sharp blade, (actually any blunt weapon would work but I just said blades). Blades don't need reloading, a gun does. You can run out of ammo in a gun, not in a blade, (unless the blade breaks or is too dull to sharpen it). All I can say is pack guns, but pack some blades though. Guns are good for far distances and close, usually blades aren't unless they are throwing knifes, but even then I wouldn't risk it. Blades are good for close combat, but be careful not to let the zombie too close, because that would be bad. Pack a knife, katana, machete, switchblade, virtually any blade, and use it, it will help a lot, believe me. My next zombie survival tip will be posted on May 14th! For the picture today, I chose to use four. All sorta have to go with a joke. The joke is that you need A LOT of guns for the zombie apocalypse, and these pictures show a lot of guns, but they are not enough!
Picture of the Day #1: Not Enough for the Zombie Apocalypse!
Picture of the Day #2: Still Not Enough!
Picture of the Day #3: Trust Me You Need A Lot of Guns! Not Enough Still!
Picture of the Day #4: Totally True! By the Way, Still Not Enough!
Picture of the Day #1: Not Enough for the Zombie Apocalypse!
Picture of the Day #2: Still Not Enough!
Picture of the Day #3: Trust Me You Need A Lot of Guns! Not Enough Still!
Picture of the Day #4: Totally True! By the Way, Still Not Enough!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #6
Sorry this is going to be a short tip! Sorry! This tip is a true tip, do you want to know the reason why it is true? Well, because zombies are dead and cannot feel fear... Okay onto tip number six which is... "They Feel No Fear, Why Should You?" This is important because, well first of all, zombies can't feel emotions, because they are dead. But if zombies can't feel fear, then why should you? If they could feel fear, they would be afraid of you! A zombie assassin with guns a' blazing! But you shouldn't be afraid. But be cautious! The next tip will be coming your way on May 12th! For the video, it is a place I would go to this place, this place in the video is called The Maunsell Sea Forts! I would go there because it is surrounded by water and zombies can't swim! Research the Maunsell Sea Forts to learn more or email me!
Video of the Day: The Maunsell Sea Forts
Video of the Day: The Maunsell Sea Forts
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #5
This tip is actually my favorite tip (I know I said the other one was, but this one is my all time favorite). Okay, onto tip number five. Tip number five is "No Place is Safe, Only Safer!" The reason this is my favorite is because it is totally true, in a zombie apocalypse, virtually nowhere is safe, one place could be safe but not for long, then you would have to find another place which is probably safer, if you understand what I am saying. What I am trying to say is that no place is truly safe, just safe and then safer, then more safe than that, and so on and so forth. This tip is probably the best to listen to, but that is just my opinion, I really think that this tip is the best because it is so true, zombies would be everywhere! Watch your back! Tip #6 will be shambling your way on May 10th! If you have any questions about this or anything, post a comment or email me at gnarsomesminecraft@gmail.com. Instead of a picture or video for the link. Today I am going to put a game called the "Zombie Survival Quiz." Basically what you have to do is answer the questions on what you think you should do, and when you are done, post (or email) me your score at the end!
Game of the Day: Zombie Survival Quiz
Game of the Day: Zombie Survival Quiz
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #4
I'm excited! Do you want to know why? Well, the reason why is because I have so many hits for my fourth post, and I have four Google Points which is really good! Sorry for blabbering on! Okay, now to zombie survival tip number four! Tip number four is... "Try to Avoid Urban Environments!" In case you did not know what an urban environment is, I will tell you. A urban environment is basically a place, such as a city or a big town, that has a higher population than that of a rural environment, a rural environment is a lower populated village or the country. Now, the reason that you should avoid a urban environment is because the place (let's say it is a city) is probably heavily populated, meaning that there would be more zombies. Now, you are probably thinking. "What do I do if I come across a urban environment in my travels?" Well, I will tell you. If you come across a city or some other heavily populated area, then you should go around it. Yes, go around it. By go around I mean stay away. Stay at least a mile away and stay on the lookout, and use some quiet means of transportation, such as walking, using a bicycle, or something else that is quiet. Or you can do two other things, you can go back where you came from, or secondly, you could go in the city and loot for items, but if you were to do that, you would need to be extra extra cautious because who knows how many zombies could be in the city. One example of a urban environment is Raccoon City from the Resident Evil series, one outbreak and poof! Everything is shot to shit. That is it for tip number four! Please leave a comment, like my Facebook page, or email me for any questions! Tip number five is going to be coming to you on May 8th! Stick Around!
Picture of the Day: Zombie Environment
Friday, May 4, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #3
Welcome back! By the way, I forgot to mention that you can email me at Gnarsomesminecraft@gmail.com if you have any questions! Onto tip number three! Remember last time I said that tip number two led me to this one? Well, the reason I said that is because in a zombie apocalypse you need to run a lot! So that leads to tip number three which is "Work On Your Cardio!" Even though zombies are slow, you will need to run at some point because you could get cornered or something. Running is a very very important atribute in a zombie apocalypse.
Picture of the Day: Running
Picture of the Day: Running
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #2
Welcome back! I made a page on Facebook for this blog! The URL is http://www.facebook.com/ZombieApocalypseTips please like the page and email me at Gnarsomesminecraft@gmail.com for any questions! Okay! Now onto tip number two. Tip number two is one of my favorites (and the most true) tips, tip number two is "Invest in Good Shoes!" The reason this is my favorite tip is because it is 100% true! If a zombie apocalypse was nigh, I would do whatever I could to get good running shoes! Now, here is the reason it is a tip! The reason this is a tip is because if zombies rise, then you are going to buy shoes because you will walk or run so far! Now you are probably saying, "No. I'm gonna be pent up in my crib!" I would say back, "No you aren't. If at least ten zombies showed up at your house. You are screwed." Running is an essential part of a zombie apocalypse, you must run if there are zombies after you! Oh yeah! I forgot to say, make sure they fit too! You don't want to have too tight shoes. This tip leads me to my other tip! But you will just have to wait! Sorry! Next tip will be posted May 4! Stick around!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Zombie Survival Tip #1
This is my first blog post, I hope you like it! By the way, I like to add pictures or videos to every post. Okay! Now to tip number one! To start off, everyone who has ever seen a zombie movie or played a zombie related game knows to shoot the zombie in the brain. This leads us to tip number one! Tip number one is to "Shoot Them in the Head!" Now, if you are saying "Why shoot them in the head?" I will tell you. The reason somebody should shoot a zombie in the head is because the brain is the main (and only) functioning system in the zombies' body. The brain tells the zombie what to do, in this case the brain would be saying "Kill anything you can get and eat it." Because we all know that's what zombies' brains are saying. That has been tip number one, tip number two will be posted on May 2nd! Stick around!
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