Welcome back! I made a page on Facebook for this blog! The URL is http://www.facebook.com/ZombieApocalypseTips please like the page and email me at Gnarsomesminecraft@gmail.com for any questions! Okay! Now onto tip number two. Tip number two is one of my favorites (and the most true) tips, tip number two is "Invest in Good Shoes!" The reason this is my favorite tip is because it is 100% true! If a zombie apocalypse was nigh, I would do whatever I could to get good running shoes! Now, here is the reason it is a tip! The reason this is a tip is because if zombies rise, then you are going to buy shoes because you will walk or run so far! Now you are probably saying, "No. I'm gonna be pent up in my crib!" I would say back, "No you aren't. If at least ten zombies showed up at your house. You are screwed." Running is an essential part of a zombie apocalypse, you must run if there are zombies after you! Oh yeah! I forgot to say, make sure they fit too! You don't want to have too tight shoes. This tip leads me to my other tip! But you will just have to wait! Sorry! Next tip will be posted May 4! Stick around!
I know I said this one was my most favorite, but my favorite is actually tip number five!