Tip number eight is... "When You Climb to Another Story With Stairs, Always Destroy the Stairs!" This tip means that if you go up stairs in a building, try to destroy the stairs. Methods of destroying stairs are to use a carpenters hammer, an axe, or any other big sharp thing. Do not use fire! Fire only spreads and sets other things on fire. Common sense. Next tip will be posted on May 20th, I will be gone for a couple days. So May 20th, mark your calenders! Remember that one tip? I believe it was tip number four. Remember when I said to avoid urban environments, and my example? Raccoon City from the video game, (and movie) series Resident Evil! Well, the picture of the day is a map of Raccoon City, where the T-Virus was spread, turning people into zombies.
Picture of the Day: Raccoon City
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