Thursday, October 25, 2012

Zombie Survival Tip #36

     Welcome back guys! Are you prepared for Halloween as well as the next special tip? Halloween is seven days away you know! I am not certain of what the special tip will be, but I will think of it sooner or later. Well, let's just get into it I guess. Here is tip number 36! "Light is a Bad Thing Sometimes!" When you are in a zombie apocalypse, try to hide all the light possible. Especially at night. At night, if your light is visible (try to use candlelight because it will last longer than electricity, and eventually the power grid will go down, so you will have to), use sheets or curtains to hide the light. If your light is visible at night, then zombies will notice that it is the only place with light, meaning food is in there. Light is a very useful thing, but can be dangerous when not used properly. I will explain more on Halloween! I don't really know, I am just running out of time right now! So I will explain later! The next tip will be on October 28th! There will be no picture, video, or link today (Sorry)! But I will see you later!

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