I am sorry! This is the first time (I think) that I have been late posting a tip. You see, this tip was supposed to be posted on June 8th, when today is June 9th. Okay, well, let me talk about today's tip. Tip number 18 is... "Don't Act Like A Zombie, It Just Leaves You As An Easy Meal!" There have been many many movies where people have done this, and succeed, but that is a load of crap for many reasons, one, if you cover yourself in zombie guts and you have a cut or a wound or some other opening, you would get infected. Secondly, zombies are stupid but not that stupid, they would be able to tell if you were one of them or not. Thirdly, they can tell if you are human, you have a scent still, and certain movements that are human like. They have done this in many movies/shows. Such as, AMC's The Walking Dead, House of the Dead 2, and many more. Like I have said many many times, listen to me and use your zombie survival common sense. Tip number 19 will be coming to you on June 10th (tomorrow). Remember, I want 5000 hits when I get to tip 20! The picture of the day is from AMC's The Walking Dead show where two characters are acting like zombies (which worked in the show, but we all know it is a load of crap)!
Picture of the Day: Acting Like A Zombie
Check out tip number 33 for the reason why I am reconsidering this tip. Make sure you check it out!
-Admin Conner