Hello and welcome back everyone! So sorry about the long break that we all had. I was really really really really x100 busy this past six months-ish and I am so sorry about that. Todays tip will be "Always Carry Water Purification Tablets!" What I mean by this is carry those tablets that they sell at like survival or hunting stores so that, if needed, you can purify water with that tablet. This is extremely useful if you plan on being on a boat or somewhere in the middle of the ocean (which is a great think wink wink) because most oceans are saltwater, and this tablet would purify it, making it drinkable. Stick around because there are a lot more where this came from. See you all on the 4th of July as that is when I will post the next "special" tip! See you all later!
Todays picture will be...
The Worst Thing About the Zombie Apocalypse
Todays picture will be...